AFFIRMING & Authentic Workshops

This is your retreat! We want this to be an affirming place where we can feel free to be our authentic selves. There is no pressure to participate in workshops or group activities. We do ask that everyone be kind, supportive, and respectful of each other. Some of the discussions may bring up a lot of feelings. We encourage you to take care of yourselves and each other.


Saxreligious: Solo performance of all original music by Saxreligious. Identity affirming jazz/videogame inspired musical daymares featuring all the saxophones, lo fi beats, and puns.


Day 1: Thursday, July 4, 2024

Oakland (address provided once registration is confirmed)

Time Start Time End Agenda Presenter(s)
9:00 AM 10:00 AM Check-in; COVID testing Coffee, tea, and snacks  
10:00 AM 10:30 AM Welcome and Icebreakers  
10:30 AM 12:00 PM Opening Session  
12:00 PM 1:30 PM Lunch  
1:30 PM 3:00 PM Top and Bottom Surgery Panel Discussion Jai De Lotto and other presenters
    Custom Tie-making Lynn Sugihara
3:00 PM 3:30 PM Break  
3:30 PM 5:00 PM Identity Origin Stories: Collaborative Zine Making B and V
    Protect our People: Flash De-escalation Training Leo Hegde
5:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner  
7:00 PM 8:00 PM Performance and socializing   
8:00 PM 10:00 PM Chill Hangout Time  

Day 2: Friday, July 5, 2024

Oakland (address provided once registration is confirmed)

Time Start Time End Agenda Presenter
9:00 AM 10:00 AM Check-in; COVID testing Coffee, tea, and snacks  
10:00 AM 10:30 AM Welcome and reflections  
10:30 AM 12:00 PM API Heart Circle Alex Chen
12:00 PM 1:30 PM Lunch  
1:30 PM 3:00 PM Gender Splendor: Creative expression as a healing tool Willy Chang Wilkinson
    How to build a network of support James Santos
3:00 PM 3:30 PM Break  
3:30 PM 5:00 PM Healing from work addiction Jin Zeng
    Spells for Safety Writing Workshop Ching-In Chen
5:00 PM 7:00 PM Dinner  
7:00 PM 8:00 PM Reading and Open Mic   
8:00 PM 10:00 PM Social Time  

Day 3: Saturday, July 6, 2024

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Time Start Time End Agenda
11:00 AM  TBD Beach Day in Alameda (location provided once registration is confirmed) (lunch provided)
8:00 PM
 2:00 AM Club Night in Oakland (location provided once registration is confirmed) (We have a reserved area. This establishment does not have a COVID protocol, such as a masking or distancing requirement. Arrive before 9pm for free admission; cover charge after 9pm)

Day 4: Sunday, July 7, 2024

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Time Start Time End Agenda
11:00 AM  1:00 PM Nature Hike in Oakland (location provided once registration is confirmed)
1:00 PM
 4:00 PM Lunch and outdoor games (lunch and beverages provided)

API TRANSFUSION July 4 - 5 Workshops

Top and Bottom Surgery Panel Discussion

July 4, 1:30pm - 3:00pm

This workshop will provide a panel of individuals who have volunteered to share their experience with chest reconstructive surgery, Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty. Each panelist will explain the type of procedure they had, what they did to prepare for it, what they did for aftercare and how it has impacted them. There will be some time for Q&A towards the end of the workshop.

About the Facilitator

Jai is a 47-year-old, mixed race (Italian/Sri Lankan) man with a transgender experience. Jai medically transitioned back in 2007, had his top surgery soon after and completed bottom surgery a little over 10 years ago. Jai is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been in the social services field for 25 years and as a Social Worker for 16 years. Jai believes our community is our best resource and has coordinated surgery panels at various events for the last 8 years. Jai likes his simple life hanging out with his friends, working out at the gym, doing DIY home projects with his wife of 22 years and hanging out with his two Tabby cats, Nicoya and Foxy Brown.


Custom Tie-Making

July 4, 1:30pm - 3:00pm

In this workshop, Lynn will be sharing her custom tie-making skill. Many people find that ties are difficult to find- length and size not to their liking. Taking your favorite tie, one that works for you and making a pattern from it. You can purchase a minimal amount of material fabric and create your own tie. Coordinate design and color to go with your shirt and outfit.

About the Facilitator

Lynn is a retired Dental Hygienist, Community Activist, Founding member Richmond Rainbow Pride, Board Member QWOCMAP, BCC Member of APIQWTC, Member of Richmond Task Force on Gender Based Violence. Asian Butch she/her pronouns.


Identity origin stories: Collaborative Zine Making

July 4, 3:30pm - 5:00pm

In this workshop, participants share their beginnings and evolutions on their gender journey. Each participant will work on individual small zine, then collaborate on one large zine that will be printed and distributed after the workshop!

There will be an optional opportunity for share out at the end.

About the Facilitator

"godz rising" is a medium for connection, expression, and existence for the QTAPIA community, inspired by the legacies of “Phoenix Rising”, “Lavender Godzilla”, and “ALGA”. Emerging from 3+ years of an ongoing pandemic, multiple global catastrophes, and a time of loss and loneliness, "godz rising" hopes to be a way for queer asians to rekindle relationships with each other, heal from anti-asian sentiments, and connect across generations.


Protect our People: Flash De-escalation Training

July 4, 3:30pm - 5:00pm

Dominant institutions of “safety” like policing aren’t working, and ending violence doesn’t happen alone. Join us in protecting our people by learning strategies and skills to de-escalate conflicts. Especially in a world where existing systems continue to allow violence and harm to others, we keep us safe.

About the Facilitator

Leo Hegde (he/they) is a transmasc, second generation Indian-American who was raised in Edison, New Jersey. Leo is the Community Safety Organizer with Lavender Phoenix, where he supports trans and queer API members to build systems for true community safety and dismantle harmful institutions such as police and prisons. Alongside organizing, Leo loves listening to and writing music, and playing many instruments.


API Heart Circle

July 5, 10:30am - 12pm

Community connections, authentic interpersonal relationships, and the opportunity to share emotional vulnerability with those who can relate to our personal struggles are key things that draw many people to identity-based spaces. Using principles drawn from Indigenous talking circles and radical faerie heart circles, this session will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in heart-centered communication with other API trans masculine people within a structure that is grounded in ancient wisdom about the powers of deep listening and collective witnessing.

About the Facilitator

Alex Chen (he/him) is a gay trans second-gen Chinese-American who grew up in California, Canada, and Hong Kong. He is a civil rights activist, legal scholar, educator, and community organizer who founded the Harvard Law School LGBTQ+ Advocacy Clinic, and co-founded the Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition, the National Trans Bar Association, and Boston Trans Gay Takeover. He is also a musician, radical faerie, burner, and leatherman. 


Gender Splendor: Creative expression as a healing tool

July 5, 1:30pm - 3:00pm

When we narrate our own stories, we push back against disempowering forces in society at large. This workshop uses art to metaphorically transform life’s challenging experiences, and to assert one’s identity, resist denigration, and declare one’s rights. Attendees will have the opportunity to respond to inspirational sparks with various art forms, such as writing, drawing, and modeling clay. Embrace creativity to cultivate from within the freedom and love you deserve.

About the Facilitator

Willy Chang Wilkinson, MPH is an award-winning author, public health consultant, cultural competency trainer, and public speaker who has been advocating for marginalized populations since the early days of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. He is the author of the Lambda Literary Award-winning book Born on the Edge of Race and Gender: A Voice for Cultural Competency, which illuminates trans experience from a Chinese American and mixed heritage perspective. As a response to the global mental health crisis among trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people, Willy penned Gender Splendor: 50 Creative Sparks to Celebrate Yourself at All Ages and Stages. He launched the first trans healthcare access program in the nation and the first program for trans men who have sex with other men, organized the first support groups for transmasculine people of color, and co-organized the first API transmasculine retreat.


How to build a network of support while working on healthy dynamics in relationships.

July 5, 1:30pm - 3pm

This workshop aims to share skills around networking and resource building as well as how to have healthy relationships. Get the support you need while working on healing your relationship trauma.

About the Facilitator

James Santos is a first generation Filipinx, ex foster youth, CSA survivor, neurodivergent, disabled, trans masc nonbinary person who has lived in the Bay Area for over 20 years. He has been able to not only survive but thrive with community support while working on healing mentally, physically and emotionally.


Healing from work addiction: From “What Do You Do?” to “How Can We Just Be, Without the Need to Prove Ourselves?”

July 5, 3:30 - 5:00pm

A workshop on healing from work addiction and the “model minority” myth. Participants will be invited to explore how normative and compulsive ways of working (including even how we think about work!) that we may experience are rooted in disconnection from ourselves and our marginalized identities, and how to discover the answers we need to heal, individually and as a community. Informed by a disability justice, neurodivergent, and trauma-aware lens.

About the Facilitator

Jin Zeng (he/him) is a chronically-ill Chinese diasporic person who came out as trans shortly after embarking on a journey of recovery for work addiction. He is deeply inspired by the writings of Tricia Hersey (Rest is Resistance) and the book Dear Elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss by Mimi Khuc.


Spells for Safety Writing Workshop

July 5, 3:30 - 5:00pm

Using the anthology Poetry as Spellcasting: Poems, Essays, and Prompts for Manifesting Liberation and Reclaiming Power, we will create & dream poem-rituals & spells together as freedom maps for ourselves & our communities.

About the Facilitator

Ching-In Chen is a genderqueer Chinese American poet and multi-genre writer. They are the author of recombinant, The Heart's Traffic, and to make black paper sing. Chen is also the co-editor of the anthologies The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities and Here Is a Pen: An Anthology of West Coast Kundiman Poets.